Brewster Products' Company Logo
Serving DE, PA, NJ & MD Since 1972

Clean Dishes By Your Next Meal.


Clean dishes, glasses and silverware

Food Service Cleaning Products

Brewster Products provides for all your food service cleaning needs. Our top-of-the-line cleaning product range is listed below. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please Contact Us using our easy fill-in form or call us at (302) 798-1988.


Pot and Pan Detergents

CS Pot & Pan            Super Concentrated blend of combined detergents,                  4 gal. case

                                    rinse additives, wetting and foaming agents.


Gold Dorado A highly concentrated liquid detergent for pots, pans and all cleaning.

5 gal. pail
Green Verde A concentrated liquid detergent for pots and pans and all cleaning.

5 gal. pail 
Pink Rosado A liquid detergent for dishes, pots and pans and all cleaning. 4 gal. case


All-Purpose / Equipment Cleaners

Degreaser A heavy duty cleaner for floors, walls, and equipment.

4 gal. case or
5 gal. pail
Power Plus A high-strength liquid cleaner for ovens and grills. 
4 gal. case 
Stainless Steel Polish USDA approved (oil-based) stainless steel cleaner and polish.

12x32oz Spray


Mint Quat Disnfectant
A disnfecting and deodorizing all-purpose cleaner, mint fragrance.
4 gal. case
Spritz Sanitizing Spray
A ready-to-use sanitizing non-scented all-surface cleaner.

12x32oz Spray


Kleer Brite                A ready-to-use window & glass cleaner. Does NOT contain         12x32oz Spray  
                                    ammonia or fragrance.                                                                  bottles or                                                                                                                                           4 gal. case

Floor Cleaner

Sha-zyme Bacteria/enzyme based  “NO RINSE” floor cleaner.
Organicly cleans grout, tile and hard floor surfaces.
4 gal. case



CS Sanitizer              Highly economical at a 1:512 dilution ratio and extremely         4 gal. case

                                    effective in killing bacteria. 


Sani-Tabs High strength germicidal tablets for sterilizing glasses, pots, pans and utensils.

6 jar case
(150 tablets
per jar)


Flatware Cleaner

A liquid detergent designed to reduce the tarnishing of silver and for soaking stainless steel flatware and glassware to remove food residue.
4 gal. case


Maintenance Products

Solar Salt For use in all water softeners (pelletized).

40 lb. bag
Descale A “delimer” for removing hard water film (calcium and iron deposits).

4 gal. case
Drain Enzyme A concentrated liquid for continuous drain line cleaning. 5 gal. pail


Hand Soaps

Afia Foaming Anti-bacterial Hand Soap Ocean Mist foaming anti-bacterial hand soap for use in dispensers.

1000 ml refills,
6 per case

Amber Anti-bacterial Hand Soap A liquid anti-bacterial hand soap in gallon jugs for decorative "Pour in" dispensers. 4 gal. case


Laundry Detergent

Wiz Lo Foam Biodegradable concentrated laundry powder detergent

50 lb. pail



Family Owned & Operated for Over 40 Years . . .Your success = Our success!

Highest Quality Dish Machines & Cleaning Products at Affordable Prices . . . Superior results without breaking the bank.

7-Days-A-Week Emergency Service . . . When you need us, we're there for you!

Routine Maintenance to Prevent Downtime . . . We keep you running smoothly.

Our Technical Assistance & Product Distribution Are Not Outsourced . . . Keep it simple by dealing with one company.

Reduced Waste & Cost by Maintaining & Logging a Par System for Your Inventory
. . . A second set of eyes on your bottom line!